210. Expert Interview: How To Create An Unstoppable Mindset
Vicky Murgatroyd

Vicky Murgatroyd was in her final year of University when her Mum passed away. Looking for any way out of the fear, uncertainty and sadness, she turned to drugs and soon developed a habit that could have destroyed her life. Taking responsibility, she decided it was up to her to change the course of her life and now runs a successful business coaching other female entrepreneurs to mindset transformations and empowering them to own their potential for ultimate success.
How To Create An Unstoppable Mindset
“The trap we often fall into is to concentrate on all the external circumstances and allow them to control us. But, in actual fact, it’s your mindset that controls your entire destiny. When you take back the control over your mindset, you become unstoppable, and the whole world opens up to you.”
Why Is This Important?
“Creating an Unstoppable Mindset is your seat of absolute freedom. Whatever you’ve got running through your mind—whatever you’re thinking about, or whatever you’ve created habits around thinking and feeling about—is what you’re ultimately going to create in your life. The first step is just to become aware of how and what you’re thinking. Then you can choose to create a new, unstoppable mindset to reach your goals.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Becoming aware is so crucial. It’s just extraordinary how much the human mind can adapt to the stresses, so much that the stress becomes your normal state. I was once really unsettled and unhappy in myself. Becoming aware of what was behind those feelings, bringing it into my conscious awareness, everything shifted. I had no idea that was possible! And as soon as it shifted, it was like coming home. That’s probably the best way I could put it.”
Connecting With Vicky Murgatroyd
Email: answers@lifeempowermentproject.com
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