802. Helping People Come to LIFE at Work
Tracy Timm

“This was the first time I’d ever seen this happen. He went from a pale gray version of himself, just kind of like miserable and mumbly about his job and whatever. His eyes wide open, brightened up his shoulders, went back a little bit. And he just gushed about how he had studied engineering and how much he loved construction. And then he launched into basically telling me what they were doing on the bridge down to the detail, like everything about cement. And that was my wake-up call because I had known him for a year and I had never once seen him gush about anything. And then I thought when was the last time I gushed about anything that I do professionally?”
Tracy Timm is a career strategy expert. She has dedicated her career to helping people come to LIFE at work. Tracy and her team work with high-potential professionals through her proven career clarity program, The Nth Degree®. She also advises businesses on how to attract, engage, and retain top talent. Tracy leverages her psychology degree from Yale and time spent traveling the world to provide effective career solutions for companies and employees alike.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I had various on-campus jobs at Yale during the school year and was planning on being a waitress during the summer, which I’d done since I was 15. On a lark I went to a presentation by Cutco, the company that sells knives. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, but my very first summer working for them I was the number 34 salesperson in the country out of over 30 thousand! I sold over 40 thousand dollars of knives in one summer. That was when my “sales career” really kicked off. I realized then that I had a real knack for relating to people, understanding their needs and getting them to trust me.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
1. So many of us simply settle for the career we find ourselves in. We do the work because it’s familiar. We don’t explore other worlds and the many options that are out there, and there are many.
2. You know you love something when you cannot not talk about it—whether it’s the work you are doing, a hobby or a new friend. Pay attention to those feelings and listen to your instincts.
3. Finding capable mentors is vital to your career growth. I did a four-month Semester at Sea program and worked with mentors who literally helped me find myself again by mirroring back to me parts of myself that I had forgotten about.
Connecting With Tracy Timm
Website: https://tracytimm.com/
Twitter: twitter.com/thetracytimm
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tracytimm/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thetracytimm
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