1083. Drawn to the Study of Humankind
Tony Wall

“I was in the security systems business for 20 years. One day I found myself in the number one position in national sales and I couldn’t go any further than that. There was a glass ceiling. So I left my job with ADT and I became a financial advisor. Now this is an interesting thing: It was the worst mistake I ever made. I went into the financial services business and found I wasn’t wired for the relationships that could ebb and flow with the markets. It’s all fun and games when we’re all doing great, but when everything goes down, people get fuzzy memories. Although I just said this job move was the worst mistake of my life, it really wasn’t–because if I hadn’t done that, I would not be at a place where I can do what I do now that is so exhilarating for me.”
Tony Wall is the founder and president of Noesis, a non-profit that’s dedicated to human education and the elimination of perpetual conflict. Wall spent most of his career in the financial services industry but continually found himself drawn back to the study of humankind. In 2019, he established Noesis and created a series of educational videos to explain his concept of the human injury and how primitive instincts drive today’s human interactions.
Connecting With Tony Wall
Website: noesisproject.com
Facebook: facebook.com/NoesisProject1
Twitter: @noesisproject_
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Careers: Business Owner, Financial, Sales, Security Sytems
Topics: Hmankind