968. A Day in the Life: What's It Really Like to Be a Business Litigator?
Tom Tierney

“Other than my uncle who was a lawyer, and watching lawyers perform on TV series, I had no experience with the profession at all. Once I began my law studies at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, I gravitated to the practice of litigation because I found it very energizing and demanding. The idea of being challenged every day by a lawyer on the other side of a case who was using the best of his talents and experience to present his client’s position and knowing that I always had to be my very best, I could not imagine a more gratifying career. I’m happy to report that my career as a business litigator has proven to be everything I hoped it would be and more.”
Thomas Tierney grew up in Minneapolis. He is the oldest of four children. He attended the University of Notre Dame and graduated with high honors in 1987. He moved to San Francisco and taught middle school for two years. He attended law school in San Francisco at the University of California, Hastings College of Law and graduated cum laude in 1992. He worked at litigation boutique law firms in San Diego from 1992 to 2000. In 2000, he moved to Vero Beach, Florida and began working at the Rossway Swan firm, became a partner in 2003, and continues to work there today. He is married to Lisa Kahle and has two children, Ella and Gavin.
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