533. Expert Interview: How Good People Do Great Things
Terra Winston

Terra Winston, Ringleader of inTerractions, has dedicated her life to helping clients navigate successful careers that drive fulfilling lives. She’s a leadership consultant and executive coach with more than 20 years of consulting experience. She creates results for companies and individuals, from boardrooms to plant floors. As a coach, she helps leaders make meaningful impact on their organizations. A sought-after speaker, Terra delivers presentations that do more than entertain; they give attendees the tools to change behavior.
How Good People Do Great Things
“There’s an interesting myth that nice guys finish last. I want to debunk this. I think good people are positioned to do great things in this world. The world has a dire need for good people. We need them so desperately. When I say ‘good people’, I mean people who are good at what they do, who fundamentally want this world to be better. That doesn’t mean you have to sell all your possessions or dedicate yourself only to nonprofits—although that’s a great thing to do—but you just want the work you do to contribute to a greater good, as opposed to working only for personal gain and power.”
Why Is This Important?
“When someone knows that they want to do good, who is willing to invest in being their best self in whatever lane they choose, and they take an outward view, constantly asking themselves how their best good can contribute to an even greater good, that’s when great things happen. Good people doing great things is really about applying your best self to a greater good.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Good people do great things. Get out of your own way. Stop thinking that you’ll do it later, or that it’s not for you, or you can’t make an impact. Start today, in the world you live in, and in the lane you are already running in, and ask, “How can I do my most good?” That may mean finding your soft skills and to grow yourself to be a leader who is in position to make more decisions. Don’t take yourself off the table for that. Don’t feel like you have no power. You can make your team as strong, as reliant, resilient and supportive as it can be, and people will notice a difference!”
Connecting With Terra Winston
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Careers: Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant