106. Battling Autism: A Mom Takes on the Odds
Tami A. Goldstein

Tami A. Goldstein is a certified massage therapist, with 10+ years of experience facilitating Upledger Craniosacral therapy to individuals with autism. A national advocate and educator for autism, she is the award winning author of “Coming Through the Fog” and contributing author in “Cutting Edge Therapies for Autism” and “Healing From the Pain.”
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
When her infant daughter began displaying disturbing symptoms after vaccinations, Tami began educating herself. As her daughter’s conditions worsened, culminating in an autism diagnosis at age 13, she quit her job to pursue appropriate therapy full time, encountering a shocking range of reactions among people in the medical field, from unresponsive to overtly hostile.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Her commitment to research and advocacy—including the founding of Wisconsin for Vaccine Choice—intensified as she met other parents of children with undeniably adverse reactions to immunizations. Years of self-funded research led her to an occupational therapist who documented her daughter’s sensory process disorder and used Upledger Craniosacral therapy to begin to lead her down the path to functioning recovery as part of the Goldstein’s multi-disciplinary approach to autism.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
Despite growing evidence of risks related to childhood vaccination requirements, the public health and pharmaceutical establishment are squelching advocates’ cries for re-evaluation of immunization policies. Even greater advocacy is needed as 20+ states introduce strict penalties for parents and their children if they refuse to be immunized, eliminating opt-outs based on personal and religious objections.
On Her Bookshelf
Coming Through the Fog: A Mother Shares Her Journey of Her Daughter’s Recovery from Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder to Functioning, by Tami A. Goldstein
Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism, by Ken Siri, Tony Lyons
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Connecting With Tami A. Goldstein
Website: www.comingthroughthefog.com
Twitter: Tami Goldstein
Facebook: Coming Through the Fog
LinkedIn: Tami Goldstein
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