625. A Normal Working Family Finds Freedom
Shane Sams

Shane and his wife thought they had grasped how to sell digital products online, but the first months went by and nothing was selling. Then, it hit them: start with what you know, and match it with what you know people need. And be prepared to work hard.
Shane and Jocelyn Sams were school teachers, on teachers’ salaries. “We were just a normal working family with a mortgage, two cars, and two small kids.” Like many regular American families, they were stressed, working too many hours, spending too little time together, and struggling with debt. In the summer of 2012, after some rough times at work, they decided to start an online business and take control of their destiny. They went on to replace their income, quit their full-time jobs, make millions online and build the life of their dreams. Now, they’re helping others control their own destiny with faith and hard work.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
Shane took his father’s advice and prepared for a career in teaching. He discovered he could teach, and that he especially loved coaching. But he also had an early taste of entrepreneurship at his father’s insurance agency and longed for the freedom of controlling his own destiny.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
While holding down a high school teaching job, Shane discovered his young son was being psychologically abused at day care. Urgently concerned for his child’s safety, he was sure his boss would understand. But when she told him to get back to work and take care of his family matters on his personal time, he knew he had to make a dramatic change. His family had to come first. He went all-in to find a way to make that possible. Step by step, he and his wife created a way to step out of the security of their school jobs, create an abundant income, then show others how to do the same.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“One of the best lessons we’ve learned is you have to have a good WHY. Everyone has a Why. If you are reading this or listening now, you have a why that you could latch onto, that is worthy of pursuing for a better life. You just have to find it and then really latch onto it. Then, take action.”
Steps to Success from Shane Sams
1. Doing nothing is worse than doing the wrong thing. Get into action and go all-in. You can change your course along the way.
2. Do not sell your freedom and potential for a steady paycheck and health insurance.
3. Freedom to control your time is even more important than financial freedom.
4. There are two ways to start your own business: open your wallet or roll up your sleeves.
On His Bookshelf
Connecting With Shane Sams
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Careers: Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Teaching/Teacher
Topics: Financial Independence, Freedom