857. A Voracious Learner, Sharing Knowledge
Sean Sessel

“I got to a really dark place because I felt like I had to make that choice: That I could either be financially successful but I could only do so if I sell my soul, sell my values─or, I could be broke. Neither one of those options was acceptable to me.”
Sean Sessel is a voracious learner with a fervent belief in the ability of the individual to better himself or herself. After an epiphany that he derived intrinsic enjoyment from, continual learning and the sharing of knowledge with others, he decided to make a career of it and started the Oculus Institute. Sean developed a unique system called psychohacking and helps individuals escape burnout jobs and craft careers that truly inspire AND pay well. He works with people to prevent self-sabotage, dissolve stress, and discover their personal power and value.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I had started the entrepreneurship club with some other undergraduate students. When I was trying to re-evaluate what I was going to do, one of the cofounders of that club said, ‘Hey Sean, why don’t you look into strategy consulting? That makes sense given your talent.’ So, I looked into it and it was something that was really appealing to me: it’s heavy on analysis, it’s heavy on insight, it’s heavy on learning and transmitting information. I put out some applications and ended up getting an offer from Boston Consulting Group, which is one of the world’s leading consulting firms.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
1. Take advantage of any opportunity that can teach you more about yourself.
2. Find and be open to mentors who can give you the tools you need to take your natural functions [abilities] into the reality you want.
3. Respect yourself. Honor your values. And if a job asks you to give up either, give up the job.
4. Sometimes the universe, or your inner voice, tells you to go do something. Trust your instincts and do it. You never know what new doors will open for you.
On His Bookshelf
Connecting With Sean Sessel
Website: https://www.oculusinstitute.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oculusinstitute/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-oculus-institute/
Email: Sean@oculusinstitute.com
Free Gift
Free presentation called The 7-Step Strategy to Conquer Burnout and Build a Truly Fulfilling Career
Without Risking Your Financial Security, available at oculusinstitute.com/workshop
For more comprehensive information beyond his free presentation, his book “Soulfire” is available as
a Kindle for only $7 on Amazon.
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Careers: Author, Career Coach, Entrepreneur, Strategic Consultant
Topics: Learning, Self-discovery, Self-understanding, Values