1041. Weighing the Options Until They Are Forced
Sam Sorbo

“In that year off from Duke University to alleviate my anxiety at school, modeling in Europe was simply a means to an end. I just wanted the money. It was fun. I was very good at it and I was very successful. But I had a previously planned path in front of me to go into medicine. I wasn’t about to veer from that path because an alternative had popped up.
“When I returned to college, I had all this life experience. I had supported myself and traveled the world. I felt the pressure was off at Duke. I took upper-level courses in biomedical engineering that were considered to be very difficult–I aced them. They were easy because I had cleared my head of the anxiety that school had provoked in me previously. That experience made me realize that I had now accomplished my academic goals to the point where I knew that I could succeed! This gave me the first real ‘binary choice’ that I had in my life. I could do one thing I love by going into medicine, or I could do literally everything else that I wanted including travel the world and learn new languages as a model, and have an acting career and financial freedom. The ‘everything else’ just weighed more and it made the choice. I’m so grateful that I had the faculties to be able to recognize and distill it down to two clear choices.”
Sam Sorbo is an accomplished actress, author, radio host, and international model. Her acting career spans films such as Bonfire of the Vanities and Twenty Bucks, as well as television, with recurring roles in Chicago Hope, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Gene Rodenberry’s Andromeda. In 2015 Sam won “Best Supporting Actress” from the Utah Film Awards for her performance in the feature, Just Let Go. Sam wrote “They’re YOUR Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate” to inspire parents to home educate and “Teach from Love: A School Year Devotional for Families” to encourage Christ-like characteristics in youth. The Sorbos home school their three children. Sam co-wrote, produced, and co-starred in the feature, Let There Be Light (Christmas, 2017; Executive producer, Sean Hannity; director, Kevin Sorbo.) She and husband Kevin published its accompanying devotional, Share the Light. and they are currently in post-production on Miracle in East Texas, due out in 2022.
On Her Bookshelf
They’re YOUR Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate, by Sam Sorbo
Teach from Love: A School Year Devotional for Families, by Sam Sorbo
Other books by Sam and Kevin Sorbo are available on her website.
Connecting With Sam Sorbo
Website: samsorbo.com and sorbostudios.com
Facebook: fr-fr.facebook.com/samsorbo
Twitter: @thesamsorbo
Instagram: instagram.com/sam_sorbo
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Careers: Actor, Author, Film Producer, Model
Topics: Acting, Home Schooling, Modeling