305. Expert Interview: Breaking Through the Drama Cycle
Rob B. Lowe
Rob B. Lowe found himself at a wealth creation event while making his best effort to better position his financial portfolio. After the event Rob met Scott Harris—millionaire coach and regular stage speaker with Tony Robbins. Without even knowing it, he was introduced to his first coaching conversation. Rob recalls “a whole city of light bulbs turning on in [my] mind and so began the path of coaching.” He uses his new found energy to continue to reach up and out to give people an opportunity to build their own best version of themselves.
Breaking Through the Drama Cycle
Rob uses the acronym DRAMA to mean, “Doing Repetitive and Meaningless Actions. The drama cycle term has come from social observation over many years, and also from my own personal experience about when you find yourself in a place in your life where it very much feels and looks like the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray, you come out doing the same thing each day, not progressing or moving forward in any part of your life, despite your best efforts. You are doing repetitive and meaningless actions.”
Why Is This Important?
“People get caught in the Drama Cycle and because we’ve lost a lot of skills in relation to how we get out of the cycle, we find ourselves not just in a cycle but in a downward spiral. We creep further and further into being very habitual with the way we do things. We get very comfortable with the life that we lead, and we see others around us in the same drama cycle. Then we see that drama cycle repeated in social media, in television—particularly in reality TV—and we get confirmed and validated that the drama cycle is OK; that it’s the life normal people lead.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“So, as a coach in personal development, I know we’ve got some skills, tools and knowledge that we can use to partner with people and help make this drama cycle resourceful and meaningful for them. We’re not saying you can live your life without drama. Drama’s actually good, it’s productive, it’s challenging. It’s just that the drama you’re in every day is doing repetitive and meaningless actions, things that are just not serving you. We want to shift that negative drama, that non-serving drama, into resourceful drama (Doing Resourceful and Meaningful Actions) to move your life forward.”
Connecting With Rob B. Lowe
Email: coach@maximumlifeclub.com
Website: www.maximumlifeclub.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yesmancoaching/
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/roblowesafety
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30 Minute Session: Your 4 Steps to Maximum Life. Email Rob to discuss setting up a free session. coach@maximumlifeclub.com Tell him you heard his interview on Discover Your Talent–Do What You Love podcast.
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