262. Aussie Coach’s Surreal Teenage Moment Is a Key Part of His Story
Rob B. Lowe

At age 13 he was sitting in class, suddenly dripping sweat. He recalls “an organ-boiling fever” of nearly 106 degrees Fahrenheit. It was a severe onset of malaria. Lying in the hospital bed, family members far away, he kept repeating to himself, “I’ll be alright, I’ll be alright, I’ll be alright….”
Rob B. Lowe, the “Aussie Coach,” was making his best effort to better position his financial portfolio, when he found himself at a wealth creation event. After the event, he met Scott Harris, a millionaire coach and regular stage speaker with Tony Robbins. He was introduced to his first experience of coaching, without even knowing it. Rob recalls a whole city of light bulbs turning on in his mind, and so began the path of coaching. He uses his newfound energy to continue to reach up and out and contribute, to give people an opportunity to build their own best versions of themselves.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
As the son of a ranching family in rural Australia, Rob also lived for a while in Papua, New Guinea, just north of Australia, managing cattle for the government. “Because I came off the land, I had a real interest in working with my dad on finding ways we could get more out of our land without doing anything that would harm the land—real environmental management. I’d gone to university and taken up science and botany. With my dad, we started trying different methods and had quite a few successes. We set some new best practices in grazing in some parts of Australia, purely by just wanting to risk it.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
While living in New Guinea, Rob contracted malaria. The symptoms appeared when he was 13, at school in Australia. “It was a funny story, but quite serious. The teacher was taking me to the school nurse, and I’ve got this fever (an organ-boiling 105.8 degrees Fahrenheit) you could see sweat dripping off me. I wasn’t a well kid.”
Rob describes having a surreal moment, alone in the hospital. “I only found this out probably last year, when I started looking back into my memory through NLP (neurolinguistic programming). I remember lying there thinking, ‘I’ll be all right. These people know what they’re doing.’ That was a big turning point toward where I am now in my life: to understand that I actually had a purpose. There was a reason why I was here, and why I kept being, if you want, rescued. It was why I kept going back t
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“You can think what you need to think about your own story of life, because it is yours. Don’t let anyone else judge what you say, because that’s not the point. It’s what serves you. No one has any judgment over you to tell you what’s wrong and what’s right, in relation to your story, or how you want to build yourself as a person.”
Steps to Success from Rob B. Lowe
1. Don’t wait for a catastrophic event or life crisis to end the DRAMA: “Doing Repetitive And Meaningless Actions.”
2. Take responsibility for the leadership of your own life. Find a mentor or coach to help guide you.
3. Develop yourself and be the person you want and need to be.
4. Learn how to leverage your past and keep it positive. Don’t let it be a barrier that holds you back.
Connecting With Rob B. Lowe
Email: coach@maximumlifeclub.com
Website: maximumlifeclub.com
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yesmancoaching/
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/roblowesafety
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