727. From Financial Executive to Personal Empowerment Coach
Raana Zia

“There was something pulling at my heart….it was just this strong, strong feeling saying, ‘Look Raana, if you can create this in your life, what else could you create? Could you create something that is even that much more fulfilling for you that could look completely different than what you were doing for the last 20 years?’”
Raana Zia is a corporate finance executive turned spiritual, self-help author. She has spent her career holding executive level leadership roles in large Fortune 500 retail companies including the position of Chief Financial Officer. Her passion for personal and leadership development and an intense desire to discover her own purpose and potential led her down an unexpected path of self-realization and spirituality. Her realizations and personal experiences compelled her to write the book “Your Hidden Light: A Personal Guide to Creating Your Desired Life” in order to share with others what she believes is the most direct and efficient path to achieving your desires and living a life of happiness, continued growth, and fulfillment.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“After two years in banking I ended up going into the entertainment industry in their finance division, which led me into corporate finance which I enjoyed very much because that is the background that I had. I was able to work on the deal structures to help secure movie deals with Hollywood studios: how they negotiated the best prices to lock in a slate of films for x number of years. I was quite happy because I was working in an industry that was really interesting to me.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I wanted to move back to the East coast and was recruited to be the CFO of an apparel retailer in the New Jersey/New York area. It was a very large promotion, everything I wanted, but at the same time there was something pulling at my heart—this strong feeling saying, ‘Look, Raana, if you can create this kind of opportunity in your life, what else could you create?’ So I began my own personal growth journey—reading self-help books, working with my personal coach, attending retreats, trying to listen to what my heart was telling me I needed to be doing. For over 4 years I was on a parallel journey of me loving my job and at the same time trying to discern what was next for me.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“I am Indian by origin. My parents immigrated to the United States in the mid nineteen sixties. My brother and I were born here. We have been really fortunate to have parents that have always been very supportive, loving and open-minded and who always felt it was important to assimilate into this culture as well as honoring our heritage. So I think my multi-cultural upbringing, and the open-mindedness of my parents has played a large positive role in my life.”
On Her Bookshelf
Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham, by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, by Wayne Dyer
Steps to Success from Raana Zia
“It took me many years before I realized that I had the power inside of me all along to create the life I truly wanted. Never stop exploring the things that fascinate and inspire you, even if they are outside the conditioned expectations that are naturally programmed into us, however well meaning. Give your curiosity full reign. Read and research via books and other resources from experts whose work you like and admire.”
Connecting With Raana Zia
Website: yourhiddenlight.com
Facebook: facebook.com/yourhiddenlight
Twitter: @raanaz
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/raanazia/
Instagram: @raana zia
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Topics: Financial Career, self-help