364. Thriving After a Crash, Naturally
Phil Carson, DPh.

Phil’s innovative natural pharmacy and health businesses were doing well, offering alternatives to modern medicine’s pill-for-every-ailment. Then the global economic crash hit hard. “I tell people that I thought I locked the door on my dream on that cold December day in 2009, but instead, I found there was an even greater world out there than I had ever known.”
Dr. Phil Carson, president of Carson Natural Health, LLC, is a pharmacist who thinks outside the box of traditional medicine. He believes in helping people find natural alternatives and integrative medicine solutions to their health problems. He is committed to leading people to finding the root cause of their health problems and not just treating their symptoms. Phil is passionate about encouraging and teaching people how to live more balanced, healthier and vibrant lives. Since earning his doctorate in pharmacy, Phil has been certified as a compounding pharmacist, a diabetes care pharmacist, and most recently a consulting pharmacist.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“Early in my career as a pharmacist, people started asking me questions about natural products, supplements and herbals. I didn’t know what to tell them, because I hadn’t been taught! I went to pharmacy school in the late 1970s and graduated in 1985. I was taught the history of natural medicine, but not the application of it. I’ve always liked to figure things out and solve problems, and I didn’t like not knowing. So I set out on my own journey to learn. What we call “modern medicine”—the kind that focuses on prescribing pharmaceuticals to control symptoms—was almost the exclusive approach to medicine.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
When the global economic meltdown hit in 2008, Phil’s successful businesses collapsed. “I told people that I locked the door on my dream of having a natural pharmacy on December 31, 2009.” He lost everything but his home. He and his wife have five kids and two of them were in college at that time. Amid those dark days, “I began to learn there is a whole other world out there I hadn’t known existed.” Intuitively, he began affirming— “I am happy, healthy, and whole”—on his long walks late at night, “even though I wasn’t any of these three.” As he persisted, he began to find people who could coach him through his challenges, and he began to reach out to them.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
I realized I didn’t have to be Superman. When I was going through that dark time, I learned there are people out there who coach, consult and help people. It’s not just their job, it’s their passion. In the past I tried to do a lot of things on my own. I learned from my failure that I had thought I could do it all on my own, so I didn’t seek out other people’s help.”
Steps to Success from Phil Carson, DPh.
1. Be quick to reach out for the help of others who might have already “been there, done that.”
2. Be willing to work hard, but remember you don’t have to be Superman.
3. Spend a little money to hire the right person to help you.
4. Don’t ever permanently “lock the door on your passion.” Ride out the rough times.
On His Bookshelf
Fully Alive: Lighten Up and Live – A Journey that Will Change Your Life, by Ken Davis
The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs), translated by Eugene H. Peterson
Connecting With Phil Carson, DPh.
Website: www.carsonnaturalhealth.com
Twitter: @DrPhilCarsonRx
Facebook: facebook.com/carsonnatural/
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/carsonphillip
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