263. A Child’s Love of Nature Drives Her Passion for Sustainability
Pamela Peeters

When Pamela’s family moved from Holland to the Belgian countryside, in her words, “Suddenly I was smack in the middle of all the treasures of Mother Earth. I began observing the space around me, sharing the love I had for nature…” Little did she know that the first of her many creations to help the environment was about to blossom, at the ripe age of 12….
Pamela Peeters, who grew up in the Belgian countryside, is an environmental economist. With two Masters Degrees under her belt and two theses on the topic of sustainable development, she moved to the United States in 1999. She created the Our Planet TV show, the Sustainable Planet Film Festival and Sustainability Week NYC and Belgium. Her weekly radio show, “Our Sustainable Planet,” airs on local National Public Radio.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
When Pamela’s family moved from Holland to the Belgian countryside, “suddenly I was smack in the middle of all the treasures of Mother Earth. That’s when I really started to discover my talents, which was observing the space around me, sharing the love that I had for nature, and starting my first environmental magazine with my best friend, Robin, at the age of 12.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
A native speaker of Flemish, Pamela decided to challenge herself by learning French, as she worked toward a Master’s Degree. Listening, reading and writing at a graduate school level, in a language she never had studied in school, required daily exercise. “I had a dictionary and I started every course with it, a blank notebook and a course book. I spent hours and hours translating and writing summaries.” She graduated with distinctions.
Then, she wrote her second thesis, creating something that had not yet been done: a quality of urban life index, which included quantifiable indicators to contribute to the intangible perception of quality of life. “If I wanted to make a difference in the world, I had to give something to city planners, so that they could see where noise pollution, odor pollution or food intoxication–things that really impact the daily lives of people–came from, and hopefully to enable them to develop sustainable plans for urban development.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“You can be human again. I always believe you have second chances, both on a planetary level and on an individual level. So, from an energy point of view, you can also rejuvenate your energy on an individual level. If you feel low, if you feel depressed, start eating the right way. Throw out the comfy foods. They’re probably processed. Fall in love with yourself again through a healthy diet and healthy movement. That is so important.”
Steps to Success from Pamela Peeters
- Fall in love with life. Life is a love story.
2. Turn nasty or negative moments into positive moments, into “fertilizers.”
3. Listen more. Be observant. You have two eyes, two ears, but only one month; use it in proportion.
4. Find ways to reconnect with Mother Earth.
Connecting With Pamela Peeters
Email: ask@PamelaPeeters.com
Website: PamelaPeeters.com
Twitter: @pamelapeeters
Facebook: Pamela Peeters
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