667. Her Horses Bring Her Full Circle
Mindy Tatz Chernoff

Mindy was in her early 30s. Her children were in school all day, and she realized something important was missing in her life. She loved her children dearly, but she needed more.
Mindy Tatz Chernoff is an equine specialist with over 55 years loving, showing, and partnering with horses. From her horse farm outside of Philadelphia, she facilitates workshops, retreats, one-on-one sessions, and the ever-popular horse circles. She partners with horses to bring clarity, freedom, and aliveness to her clients. She has a dual masters’ in holistic spirituality and spiritual direction, has received advanced training in E3A certification as well as being an eponaquest apprentice. She has offered one TED X talk to the world and is currently working on her second in September 2018. She is the author of the new Amazon release, “From Muck to Magnificence: How Cleaning Horse Stalls Can Lead to an Astonishing Life.”
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I’m from the suburbs of Chicago. I grew up in a wonderful home with an older sister. From an early age, horses were in our lives. My grandmother got us involved in riding. I grew up in a privileged family, but I am very grateful I never had a sense of entitlement. I had my pony, and I loved what I did. I did not know at that young age that, when I was brushing my pony at eight years old, I was actually stimulating neural connections in my brain. I just knew I loved my pony. I cannot thank my parents enough for giving me the freedom to explore what I love.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Throughout her childhood, Mindy had loved horses and cherished the time she could spend with them. Then, after college, she got married. “The first year of marriage, I did not ride at all. Then, when I got pregnant, my focus was entirely on my children. Once the children got older, I realized there was an ache and lack in my life. I was starting to ask questions. I was in my early 30s, and the kids were in school all day. I was still their mom, but this ache of wanting to make a difference, wanting something more, brought me back to my first love.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“If you want to live a full life where you are touching the lives of others with what you have gone through, maybe you need to touch your own life first. I believe heaven and earth can move to make that happen. It might not be fast. It might be one limping foot in front of the other, but there is a way to live a life filled with freedom and joy and gratitude and laughter.”
Steps to Success from Mindy Tatz Chernoff
1. Say YES to life. Live with openness, curiosity, and non-judgment. This is a lesson we can learn through our connection to other creatures and living things. Become aware of the synchronicity and the beautiful unfolding of things you have no control over. These things that get dropped in your lap are gifts.
2. Allow God, the Universe or your Higher Self to transform your suffering and give it meaning.
3. Have the courage to dig deep to discover your own authenticity and genuineness.
4. Practice giving away the wisdom you learn. Walk with others to help them notice and find the greatness in their life so they, too, can be free.
On Her Bookshelf
The Naked Now: Learning To See As the Mystics See, by Richard Rohr
The Gift of the Red Bird: The Story of a Divine Encounter, by Paula D’Arcy
Letters to Sam: A Grandfather’s Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life, by Daniel Gottlieb
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, by Brené Brown
The Way to Love: Meditations for Life, by Anthony De Mello
From Muck to Magnificence: How Cleaning Horse Stalls Can Lead to an Astonishing Life, by Mindy Tatz Chernoff
Connecting With Mindy Tatz Chernoff
Website: TheResonantHorse.com
Email: TheResonantHorse@gmail.com
Facebook: The Resonant Horse
LinkedIn: The Resonant Horse
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Careers: Author, Equine Specialist
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