495. Counseling to Heal the Whole Person
Meghan Toups

Her life as a professional counselor was mostly gratifying and rewarding, but Meghan could sense burnout approaching. By starting to care for herself first, doors opened to a whole new life of service and joy. Holistic self-healing led the way.
Meghan Toups is a licensed professional counselor and certified holistic health coach. She embraces the belief that people feel better, faster when they begin to heal utilizing a whole person approach. This has led her to focus her practice on teaching others how to balance mood, stress, anxiety, energy and overall health with food, mindfulness and other positive self-care practices. She has a holistic health and wellness business in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and brother.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
Perhaps an early clue of Meghan’s future in holistic health was her childhood love of nature and the outdoors. “I had a lot of those hippie child qualities. I wanted to be a geologist, and I was often out in the woods picking up rocks and looking at them, making pretend perfumes and potions out of leaves and flowers. And I love the arts. I think I got that from our father. I love to create art. I used to sell my artwork and my potions along the side of the road for a dollar.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
After several years of counseling mostly women and teens, “I got very tired, and I was not taking the best care of myself. When you help other people, you have to take good care of yourself., I found my clients were talking to me about what they were eating, about their relationships, and so many other things outside of the brain, which is what counselors are trained to treat. I just knew that there was more to the puzzle. I began to heal my own stress by eating the proper foods, taking good care of myself, making sure I was exercising, meditating and getting into nature. I did it for myself first. That led me into getting my certification in holistic health coaching, and I was able to bridge mental health and holistic wellness. That was a huge turning point in my ability to help and reach people.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“My mission is to inspire people to create a life that they desire by using the science of psychology, by teaching them about total holistic wellness, and awakening their intuition. When those things are in place, we feel empowered. When we feel empowered, we feel joyful. And when we feel joyful, we can change the world! I want to teach the message of natural health worldwide, so people can make a change in consciousness.”
Steps to Success from Meghan Toups
1. Be truly interested in other people and how you can serve them.
2. Make connections and network with other people in your field and think about how you can collaborate with them.
3. Build a network of people who care about you and support you in fulfilling your dreams.
On Her Bookshelf
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, by Don Miguel Ruiz and Janet Mills
The Power of I Am: Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today, by Joel Osteen
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, by Marie Kondo
Top Tools on Her Browser
KrisCarr.com – Ideas about wellness and recipes.
MarieForleo.com – Business coach who offers free videos and articles about moving into what you want to do and how to do that in a positive way.
Connecting With Meghan Toups
Website: www.MeghanToups.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeghanToups
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Meghanktoups/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meghanktoups
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Free initial 45-minute health coaching session via Skype or phone. Reach out to Meghan through any of the links above and mention that you heard her on “Discover Your Talent – Do What You Love” podcast.
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Careers: Holistic Health, Life Coach
Topics: Holistic Health & Wellness, Self-Healing