205. Expert Interview: Branding Yourself Using Brain-Friendly Principles
Megan Kent

Megan Kent has spent much of her career working for the world’s top advertising agencies. She has shaped the brand strategy for many of the world’s most influential brands (BMW, Coca-Cola, New York Times, Microsoft, Brand USA). Her passion and commitment to understanding people’s relationships with brands drove her to study not only what people think, but how people think. Distilling her learning in this area, combined with over 20 years in marketing, has led her to create a proprietary system for helping brands connect more powerfully with people. It’s called Brain-Friendly Branding®–8 essential principles for creating brands a brain can love.
Branding Yourself Using Brain-Friendly Branding Principles
Why Is This Important?
Top researchers tell us that 95% of the decisions we make day to day are made on a gut feeling. In other words, we don’t like to think. We start with our emotions, then enlist our analytical faculties. The question becomes, “How can we, as brands, make people feel so good about what we stand for in our interactions with them that they actually return to us over and over again, and actually they start doing the marketing for us?”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
You can learn how to build a brand that the brain can love. With training, you can apply principles from neuroscience to energize and create stronger connections on an individual level in creating your own personal brand. Essentially what we’re trying to do is create neural pathways to YES, and to condition people—through their interactions with us—to feel good about doing business with us.
Connecting With Megan Kent
Email: megan@megankentbrandinggroup.com
Website: megankentbrandinggroup.com
Twitter: @megkentbranding
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LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/megankent
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