405. Expert Interview: Hacking the Hidden Job Market
Mac Prichard

Mac Prichard is the publisher of Mac’s List, an online community for people looking for rewarding, creative, and meaningful work. More than 80,000 people a month visit the site, which includes a job board, as well as a blog and information on his newest course, Hack the Hidden Job Market. Mac also hosts a weekly podcast, “Find Your Dream Job.”
Hack the Hidden Job Market
“I run a job board where we post 400 jobs a month and have 80,000 visits each month. But here’s the deal about jobs. Most employers don’t publish every opening on a job board. In fact, there are estimates that up to 80% of all jobs are never listed on job boards. If you’re spending 100% of your time looking for and responding to publicly posted jobs, you may be missing out on as many as eight out of 10 jobs out there. One of them could be your dream job.”
Why Is This Important?
“When I talk about the hidden job market, I’m not suggesting there’s a conspiracy to hide jobs from you. What’s going on is this: people hire people they know, or they hire people recommended to them by people they trust. Our challenge, when we are looking for work, is how do we become a part of the networks of potential employers and get in front of them so they will notice us and invite us in for an interview. I tell job hunters you’ve got to step away from the computer and get out there to meet and talk to people if you want to crack the hidden job market. To do this, you need to develop a networking strategy. The good news is, it can be learned. There are thoughtful, strategic and practical steps you can take to make that happen.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
With so much of our world digitized and Google-able, it’s tempting to think the job listings we find online are part of a comprehensive inventory of all available jobs. That’s simply not true. By all means, visit our job board and any of the 40,000 niche boards. But you should spend 50% to 70% of your time exploring and navigating that hidden job market, and much of that is done face-to-face.”
Connecting With Mac Prichard
Website: www.macslist.org
Twitter: @mac_prichard
Facebook: www.facebook.com/macprichard
Hack the Hidden Market Course: www.macslist.org/talent
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