466. Discovering Her Superpower
Lori Saitz

Year after year, her teachers would write on her report cards, “Lori is a very bright student but she needs to learn to speak up more in class.” She finally took those words to heart and faced her shyness head-on. In the process, she discovered her superpower.
Lori Saitz is a serial entrepreneur. “That’s serial, as in consecutive. Not cereal, as in Cheerios or Capt’n Crunch!” In 2003, she launched Zen Rabbit Baking Company and introduced the world to The Gratitude Cookie. Through Zen Rabbit, she helped busy professionals say thank you to their clients, strengthen relationships and increase their lifetime value. Most currently, she’s The Quiet Girls’ Guide, helping women who are terrified to walk into a room full of people they don’t know, become comfortable starting conversations with strangers.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I come from a family of writers, teachers and creative thinkers. Even if that wasn’t part of their formal profession, those talents were used and encouraged. My brother and I started making up and writing stories when we were very young. My parents read to us, probably from the day we were born. So, I was really into books and reading. I remember writing really crazy stories and drawing the illustrations to go with them in the living room of my grandparents’ house. They encouraged us to use those creative talents.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“Growing up, I was super shy, but something changed when I went to college at American University in Washington, D.C. I remember clearly my parents driving away from campus after dropping me off that very first time, and it’s almost like I was a different person. I was still apprehensive and intimidated to walk into situations where I didn’t know people, but I remember going straight down to the campus television station to see what was going on there. Because that’s where I was drawn. But they weren’t putting any freshmen on the air, so I put my efforts into the radio station. They were willing to give me a show right away, In fact, I was on the radio all four of my undergrad years.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“Just this past year, when I was looking for what to do next, I finally became aware of what my superpower is. I asked myself what am I great at that comes so naturally and easily to me that I wouldn’t have guessed other people would pay me to do. I heard that question asked in a podcast, and it sparked a thought that I’d never had before. My superpower is in creating relationships and connections.”
Steps to Success from Lori Saitz
1. Discover your own Superpower. Ask yourself what you are great at doing, what comes naturally.
2. If you are shy, finding what you truly love to do will help you overcome your fears.
3. Be on the lookout for mentors, and be open to what they can teach you.
4. Learn how to network and cultivate lasting connections.
5. Get moving and keep moving. Take baby steps. Personal development isn’t something you can do for just a short time, it’s a lifelong process.
On Her Bookshelf
Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams, by Mike Dooley
The Complete Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsch
Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty: The Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need, by Harvey Mackay
The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies, by Chet Holmes and Jay Conrad Levinson
Connecting With Lori Saitz
Website: www.TheQuietGirls.com
Twitter: @ZenRabbit
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/ZenRabbit
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorisaitz
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Careers: Entrepreneur, Radio
Topics: Mentors, Multi Careers, Self-confidence, Women