125. Expert Interview: Breathing Life Into Your Career
Lisa Gates

Lisa Gates is an executive coach, negotiation consultant and co-founder of She Negotiates, an organization committed to closing the income and leadership gaps for women. “Women face persistent challenges at work: a wage and leadership gap; implicit and explicit bias; and a repetitive media loop of things women should do or change.”
Getting clarity about what you want in life
“This is a process of being absolutely intentional about that thing we spend most of our time doing—working. It means pausing to take stock of your whole self, including your personal life: your experiences, accomplishments, goals and aspirations. So, the bottom line is, stop being knee-jerk and reactionary.”
Why Is This Important?
“My feeling is, to move past all those pressures, we have to be super clear about who we are, what we want, and why we want it. Then, to be willing to build an ‘influence posse’ to help us navigate those challenges and achieve our goals. We need other people.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Get off the hamster wheel and breathe! Pause, reflect and ask, ‘Now where am I going? Where am I?’ We need to be more strategic, otherwise we just stay in this exhausting loop. And we have to ask these questions frequently because we get on that hamster wheel and keep going.”
Top Tools on Her Browser
www.lynda.com – Search for Lisa Gates. Videos by Lisa on negotiating, asking for a raise, conflict resolution, coaching and developing employees.
Connecting With Lisa Gates
Email: lisa@shenegotiates.com
Website: http://shenegotiates.com
Twitter: @LisaGates1
Facebook: Lisa Gates
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lisagates
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