695. Expert Interview: Shine the Spotlight on Your Struggles and Thrive
Lauren Robertson

Lauren Robertson is a Hay House author of the bestselling book, “The Medium in Manolos: A Life-Affirming Guide to Modern Mediumship,” which helps readers overcome the fear of death in all its forms, and brings Spirit communication into the 21st century for millennial spiritual seekers. She calls herself one of those weirdos who loves public speaking, and has toured the world speaking in her capacity as medium and coach. Lauren educates female entrepreneurs and coaches on how to become amazing public speakers, and how to elegantly sell their products and services from the stage, while traveling the world and changing lives in the process.
Shine the Spotlight on Your Struggles and Thrive
“In my capacity as a speaker, I’ve discovered that people respond best to stories. For a long time, I was very reluctant to share my story and my struggles, for fear of judgment, or of making myself appear weak in the eyes of people I wanted to respect me and see me as a leader. So, both in my capacity as a medium—where I had to become an expert at telling other people’s stories—and also in the process of owning my own life story as a speaker, I have been fortunate to thrive on the journey toward owning my own story. It’s deeply gratifying to see others experience similar successes as they gain unique perspective on their own stories and begin to thrive.”
Why Is This Important?
“If a client comes with an open mind and open heart—and they are really ready to do the work—astonishing things can be accomplished in a very short period of time! But most people need time to build rapport and trust to be able to tell their story, and I work with them in that process. Then, they can learn to reframe their story and gain a definite perspective on it, and become able to package it as something truly valuable to share with the world.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“It is really wonderful to hear how clients become able to take new and different perspectives on their past. You look around the audience while they are speaking, and see that each and every heart and mind is being touched in a slightly different way. It is in that moment where my client truly understands how far they have come, and that their story can now serve a new and powerful purpose in their life. It is really a special moment for them, for me and, I’m sure, for the audience as well.”
Books on The Topic
The Medium in Manolos: A Life-Affirming Guide to Modern Mediumship, by Lauren Robertson. Also available as audiobook on audible.com
Connecting With Lauren Robertson
Website: www.LaurenRobertson.co.uk
facebook.com/supernovaspeaker (speaker coaching)
Facebook Group: Become a Speaker Superstar, with Lauren Robertson: facebook.com/supernovaspeaker (speaker coaching)
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