794. When a Door Opens, Jump!
Kerry Anderson

“I have to say the same thing that I said to myself, which is ‘Jump!’ You know, see where it goes. It can be calculated, it can be strategic, but don’t let things hold you back. If you had some sort of inclination that you’re not where you’re supposed to be, um, keep your eyes and your ears peeled and start looking for another opportunity. And when the door opens, jump.”
Kerry Anderson is Chief Family Officer at Whole Life Entrepreneurship. Kerry left her career as a pediatric nurse to be a stay-at-home mom when her husband Adam (a serial entrepreneur) began spending more time traveling for work. This lifestyle quickly took its toll on their relationship. Under the stress of their crumbling marriage, Kerry and Adam sought counseling, meanwhile developing their own business-based methods for rebuilding their relationship. Today they’re on a mission to share what they’ve learned, supporting other entrepreneurial couples as they navigate the chaotic world of marriage and entrepreneurship.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“We had really young children, I was working as a nurse and Adam was traveling all over the world with his business, gone for sometimes three weeks at a time. For all intents and purposes I was a single parent. The stress started to take its toll on my self-esteem and our relationship. I wasn’t sure what my future looked like with him and I considered the possibility of divorce. It was a big mess. So, we went to counseling.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
1. Our families want the best for us, but we spend a large part of our early years trying to live up to their expectations—and they simply do not know what our deepest talents and interests truly are. For many years I never believed that you could do work that you loved. I believed that work was simply about making money and providing for the needs of your family.
2. Pay attention to the things that motivate and inspire you in your life and in the work you do every day. Be open to the endless possibilities and they are endless. Explore the options that you have on a regular basis and keep the door open for the ones that you believe might work for you.
3. After you have explored and thoroughly researched your choices, then believe in yourself, muster your courage and……Jump!
4. You only have this one life to live and you deserve the best life you can create for yourself and those you love.
On Her Bookshelf
In Bed With The Business: An Entrepreneurial Spouse’s Survival Guide, by Kerry Anderson
Connecting With Kerry Anderson
Website: http://wlemission.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/wlemission
Twitter: twitter.com/AdamAndersonCEO
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/adamandersonceo/
Instagram: linkedin.com/in/adamandersonceo/
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Careers: Entrepreneur, Nurse
Topics: Entrepreneurship, Marriage