772. Coaching Women of Faith to Live Into Their Calling
Kendra Dahlstrom

“Whether or not you’re a Christian or you just are connected to something spiritually, regardless of which religion, it is so critical to have some form of faith. You have to have some form of guiding light or beacon, in my personal experience and opinion, to keep you moving, to know that there is a purpose, to know that things are going to always work out okay, and that someone’s got your back.”
Kendra Dahlstrom is a Christian business strategy and life coach, trainer, and speaker who helps women of faith discover, fully, how to live into their God-given calling and transform it into a profitable legacy. She decided to start her own faith-based coaching business so she could slowly transition from the corporate world to live a life that she loves, sharing her passion for Jesus Christ with others by serving them to discover and fulfill their callings. She uses life coaching techniques through the lens of the Bible to help her clients live their calling to Him the way He envisioned.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“My grandmother was a woman of faith. Materially, we really didn’t have anything in the household. I think that plays into my lifelong story of how I was always a seeker. I was always driven by searching. I studied a lot of different religions because I thought, ‘There’s got to be a meaning behind all this. Why would I be here on earth if there isn’t some purpose or meaning for all that’s going on here?” In Kendra’s adult life, her search led her to success in the corporate world but, “Looking back, I realize I was looking for something more. I yearned to be more than just content, more than happy. I felt like the happiness I experienced was superficial.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“We went on a family vacation to Hawaii about two years ago. Back at home, with school the next day, my five-year-old was saying he did not like bedtime. He’d had so much fun on vacation and staying up late. When I told him, ‘Going to bed is my favorite time of day,’ my husband raised an eyebrow and looked at me, as if to say, ‘Really?’ And it was then I heard my intuition say, ‘Kendra, something’s wrong! Waking up and seizing the day should be your favorite time of day—to get to spend another precious day with your husband and children, doing something you love. Life should not just be about going to bed to get away from everything. That’s when I realized that I needed to make a change in my life.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“As I journey with my clients, helping them tap into their own personal power—who they are, and what self-acceptance means, how that plays into accepting yourself and your power—I realized that the ‘dirty little secrets,’ the things you least want to talk about, are exactly what you need to be sharing.”
Steps to Success from Kendra Dahlstrom
1. Find and cultivate a spiritual connection and community that work for you.
2. Aim higher than just being content and superficially happy.
3. Be courageous enough to seek self-acceptance. You’re more than a problem to be solved.
4. There is a vast difference between wanting something and being willing to do the work. Be willing to work for what you deeply desire.
Connecting With Kendra Dahlstrom
Website: https://www.kendradahlstrom.com and https://www.liveintoyourcalling.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kendraLIYC
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kendradahlstro1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/kendradahlstrom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kendra_your_calling
Email: kendra@kendradahlstrom.com
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Topics: Faith Based, Spirituality