98. Once Homeless, She Lands on Success in Real Estate
Kemi Egan

Kemi Egan is a bestseller author, founder of Freedom Academies and Freedom Investments, and host of the top rated podcast, New World, Real Estate. Homeless in her early twenties, she immersed herself in learning about wealth and success. Within 12 months she raised $1 million in private financing and built a multi-million dollar portfolio, all while still homeless.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
Hearing her teacher declare, “Kemi, you’re either going to be a cleaner or a criminal,” harnessed her fighting spirit. “If you tell me I can’t do something, that will be the one thing I want to do.” That humiliation was “probably one of the best things he could have done for me.”
On Her Bookshelf
The Power of Real Estate Investing: 7 Steps to Make Money and Create a Lifetime of Wealth, by Kemi Egan
Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Multiple Streams of Income: How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth, by Robert G. Allen
Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible, by Brian Tracy (http://amzn.to/1NqN5QJ)
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, by Sheryl Sandberg (http://amzn.to/1Kh10Uc)
Top Tools on Her Browser
LinkedIn.com helped build her network and find venture partners. She has also found and hired personal assistants online. Skype.com connects her to the world. ScheduleOnce.com is a field-proven solution for powering online scheduling with her customers and prospects.Drive.Google.com is her tool to share documents with partners and members of her network.
Connecting With Kemi Egan
Website: freedomacademies.com
Twitter: twitter.com/KemiEgan
Facebook: facebook.com/kemieganfreedomacademies
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kemiegan
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