150. Expert Interview: Defining Success for Yourself
Kathleen Brady

Kathleen Brady is a certified career/life management coach, author and motivational speaker. With 25 years of experience helping people identify their personal and professional goals, she helps clients embrace their dreams. Kathleen is Director and Instructor of Career Development at Georgian Court University and head of Brady & Associates Career Planners, LLC.
How you define success and how it leads to living a happy, joyful life
Why Is This Important?
How well you distinguish between your own definition of success and society’s definition—aligning your inner desires with their outward expression—makes all the difference between deep satisfaction and drudgery. Gaining clarity and self-knowledge requires plenty of quiet time for reflection and stepping away from the clamor of day-to-day pressures.
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
So, much really comes down to investing quiet time to dig deep and ask, “Am I leading the life I want to be leading? Am I joyful and happy? And, why do I need that validation from other people?” It’s about not worrying so much about what the world says.
On Her Bookshelf
Get a Job: 10 Steps for Career Success, by Kathleen Brady
The Highlands Ability Battery (Contact Kathleen directly)
Top Tools on Her Browser
Indeed.com, a free job board
Connecting With Kathleen Brady
Email: kbrady@careerplanners.net
Website: careerplanners.net
Twitter: @KBCareerPlanner
Facebook: facebook.com/KBCareerplanners
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kathleenbrady48
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