1138. A Day in the Life: What's It Really Like to Be an Airline Pilot for 44 Years?
Kam Majd

“I was born in Iran and lived there until I was 13 years old. I was told that this is the best system in the world. Islam is the best religion in the world. Then I went to India and they said, no, our system is the best, and Hinduism is the best religion in the world. In 1974 I went to England and of course their system was the best. This was when the whole Irish Republican Army conflict was happening. Then I came to America when I was 17 or so and began to reflect on the obvious question: how many best religions, best systems of government, et. al. are there? What is best and what works? It then became obvious to me that each individual must trust his own judgment and make up your own mind.”
Kam Majd is an Edgar® Award-nominated author of edge-of-your-seat suspense novels. Kam was an airline pilot for 44 years, most recently as a Boeing 777 captain for American Airlines. Born in Iran and educated around the world in India, Great Britain and the United States, he graduated high school in Arlington, Texas, and attended the University of Texas.
His new book, “High Wire,” has just been released worldwide. This riveting, 286-page novel, which has achieved Amazon Bestseller status as the #1 New Release and #2 Bestseller in the “Terrorism” category, follows Captain Kate Gallagher, an airline pilot who finds herself under vicious scrutiny in the aftermath of a plane crash.
On His Bookshelf
High Wire, by Kam Majd
Connecting With Kam Majd
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Careers: Airline Pilot, Author