29. Hippie Jedi, Freedom-Preneur - Justin Verrengia
Justin Verrengia

Justin Verrengia, the “Hippie Jedi” and Freedom-Preneur, innovates in marketing, social media, and in how society lives. He went from barely being able to afford his rent to a seven-figure income in two years. His top-ranked Weird Entrepreneurs podcast inspires listeners worldwide to live their dreams.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
After living and teaching English in China, Justin and his wife D settled in their dream location, Costa Rica. Network marketing income provided a comfortable life until the company slashed his income 75 percent. Believing in divine purpose, he found a new company and created an income of $26,000/month in 30 days.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
By applying my belief, “You are here for a divine purpose,” I gave myself permission to create the freedom I had always known I was capable of since childhood. I believe we all have the potential to create freedom—monetary, mental and spiritual. We’re spiritual beings having a human experience.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
That freedom is possible in your life. You can do it. Not only do you owe it to yourself, you owe it to the future of your children and humanity itself to shine and be the brightest example of illumination you possibly can, and show other people what’s possible.
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