325. Expert Interview: How to Negotiate Your Salary Like a Pro
Josh Doody

Josh Doody didn’t negotiate his salary at his first few jobs, but quickly realized he had left a lot of money on the table. He began negotiating and doubled his salary in three years. He took everything he learned, began helping others. An author and consultant, he wrote Fearless Salary Negotiation, a number one bestseller on Amazon. Since then, he’s helped many more people negotiate tens of thousands more dollars.
How to Negotiate Your Salary Like a Pro
“A lot of people are very intimidated by the negotiation process and can be scared of it. That’s why my book is called, Fearless Salary Negotiation. I’m trying to help you overcome that fear and actually negotiate. The phrase ‘gird yourself’ pops into my head here. You’re not really going to battle, but you do need to prepare yourself for feeling a little bit uncomfortable and stepping outside your comfort zone and negotiating. It requires some mental preparation along with your prior research about the company and the value you can bring to the company.”
Why Is This Important?
“The whole point of interviewing well is to get the best job offer possible. There are two factors there. One is to get an offer, but also to get the best offer possible, which is why you shouldn’t disclose your desired salary early on and why you continue to demonstrate that you’ll be a valuable asset to the company. Knowing what kinds of questions might come your way can be really helpful in terms of preparing for the interviews.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
During the interview process, you’ll usually be given an opportunity to ask questions by each interviewer, often the last five or ten minutes of the interview. They’ll realize they’ve been asking you a lot of questions and they’ll say, ‘OK, we’ve got about five minutes left. Do you have any questions for me?’ This is not the time to say, ‘No, I’m good.’ They’re lobbing you a softball to not only ask questions that demonstrate even more that you’ll add value to the company, but also to allow you to gather information you can use to do better in your next round of interviews with the company.
Connecting With Josh Doody
Websites: fearlesssalarynegotiation.com
Twitter: twitter.com/JoshDoody
Facebook: facebook.com/JoshDoodyAuthor/
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/joshdoody
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A free guide for Discover Your Talent (DYT) listeners: Everything you need to ace your next interview. A free guide and email templates you can use to follow up and communicate clearly throughout the interview process. Go to: FearlessSalaryNegotiation.com/dyt2
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