1172. Special Forces Veteran Makes Safety and Security a Priority for Others
John Timothy Brewer, Jr.

John Timothy Brewer is an Army Special Forces veteran with more than 10 years of experience enabling those who act to defend life, family, and country. Knowing firsthand the importance of self-reliance, John has made it his mission to enable and empower others so they may live healthy, thriving lives.
His book, “Fight for Your Best Life” is the step-by-step Self-Defense Guide to personal empowerment, protecting your loved ones, and living fearless. John’s company is Mind, Shield, and Spear Consulting Group, LLC. With their dedicated team of experts, their clients receive guidance and mentorship in not just the physical techniques, but also the mental strategies to navigate challenging situations with confidence.
He considers his main areas of expertise to be safety and security, personal development, and military operations.
On His Bookshelf
Connecting With John Timothy Brewer, Jr.
Website: https://mindshieldandspear.com
Facebook: facebook.com/fightforyourbestlife
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/john-t-brewer-jr
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Careers: Author, Business Owner, Military, Self-Defense
Topics: Martial Arts, Military Career, Self-Defense