251. From Pizza Hut to HR to Coach: How to Reach Goals Via New Habits
Jen McQuarrie

Armed with a degree in psychology and a desire to help others discover their passions, she faced the reality of college loans and a job at Pizza Hut.
Jen MacQuarrie is a habit success coach and founder of Bright Habits. She helps people achieve their biggest life goals step by step, one habit at a time. Jen understands the power of habits because she turned her own life around by creating a 5 AM wake up habit for daily exercise and personal development. Jen is also a musician and lead vocalist with her band Magnetic. Jen loves helping others to discover their passions and create habits that will support their success.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I was always interested in human behavior, personal development, and what makes people tick.” She earned a degree in psychology— “a degree you can use anywhere”—but detoured awhile in a Pizza Hut kitchen. “It helped me to realize what I didn’t want to do for the rest of my life,” she jokes. Soon, at another company, she was volunteering after hours in Human Resources, just to learn the field. When a paid position opened up, she was first in line to get it.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Jen’s says her decision to get up at 5:00 every morning, “was a huge turning point for me. It’s a habit I started in 2011 that made a big difference in my life. I created time in my day for personal development and daily exercise. I have a family and two kids, so early morning was really the only time when I could consistently fit it in. Now, my passion for music is a part of my daily life, too. Every morning I practice guitar.” Jen is also the lead vocalist in a local band called Magnetic.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“Because I committed to the new habit of getting up early, making time for myself, I actually started having a lot more confidence in other areas of my life as well. And I started feeling happier. And when you’re happier, everything starts to improve.”
Steps to Success from Jen McQuarrie
1. Make time for yourself. Create habits that support you in your goals.
2. Don’t be deterred. If you can’t follow your passion full time, start pursuing it as a hobby or a sideline.
3. Reach your goals a day at a time, step by step, habit by new habit.
Connecting With Jen McQuarrie
Email: jen.brighthabits@gmail.com
Website: brighthabits@gmail.com
Twitter: @Jenmacquarrie
Facebook: Jen Macquarrie
LinkedIn: Jen Macquarrie
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