392. Crisis Survivor Empowers Others
Jeff Ryan

Jeff was blessed with a good family, a keen mind, and a successful business. On top of that, he’d just earned his Master’s Degree. Then, while he was on a routine visit to a worksite, a pipe carrying pressurized concrete exploded. For nearly 10 minutes, he appeared to be dead.
Jeff is the founding member and director of MisfitAid.org, a relief organization based in Australia. Misfit Aid empowers communities around the globe impacted by poverty, disaster and humanitarian crises. One such program included training carpenters in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, to rebuild after the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. Jeff is also a sought-after teacher and inspirational speaker for the international Christian movement, ‘Youth with a Mission’ (YWAM.org). He shares his inspiring story in his new book “Sharks in the Water.”
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
As a teenager, friends of his father, and IBM executive, often gave him tickets to hear inspirational speakers. One speaker, in particular, made a powerful impression on him at age 18. An audience member asked the speaker, “Do you actually DO the things you’re teaching us?” The speaker replied, “Write down everything that I’m telling you, just don’t watch my life real closely.” Jeff recalls thinking,” You have got to be kidding!” He walked out. Later, he told his father, “Dad, I don’t ever want to go to another one of those! I do want to be a speaker, but I want my life to be the thing that speaks, and I want to speak from my real-life experience.” That commitment never left him, but it took a near-death experience for him to put it into action.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
As a teenager, friends of his father, and IBM executive, often gave him tickets to hear inspirational speakers. One speaker, in particular, made a powerful impression on him at age 18. An audience member asked the speaker, “Do you actually DO the things you’re teaching us?” The speaker replied, “Write down everything that I’m telling you, just don’t watch my life real closely.” Jeff recalls thinking,” You have got to be kidding!” He walked out. Later, he told his father, “Dad, I don’t ever want to go to another one of those! I do want to be a speaker, but I want my life to be the thing that speaks, and I want to speak from my real-life experience.” That commitment never left him, but it took a near-death experience for him to put it into action.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Jeff faced a near-death experience in 2008 while at work on a construction site. His body lay beside a pool his company was building, covered in shrapnel wounds. Nearly 10 minutes passed before Jeff showed any signs of life. He recalls sensing an overwhelming impulse to return to life. Since the accident, Jeff has been pursuing his goal, helping people around the world reach their full potential, beginning with people facing humanitarian crises.
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“There are people all over the world living in situations like the life I was living before crisis struck. They are blessed with a good business, a good brain and good opportunities. Then, suddenly, a tsunami or an earthquake happens, or a life-threatening accident. In my case, it was the tsunami of 2004 that opened my eyes to that reality. It was 100 percent the catalyst for creating Misfit Aid, and for my vision to empower thousands of people to reach their full potential, beyond their wildest dreams.”
Connecting With Jeff Ryan
- Take the next step. It’s a lesson I learned on the road back from traumatic brain injury. Start moving, one step at a time.
- Use the Acronym, POWER:P – Purpose. What are you on this planet to do?
O – Obstacles. There will always be obstacles to overcome.
W – Write: Your personal mission and your top talents.
E – Enjoy! We are allowed to enjoy life.
R – Representatives: choose five key people to be your sounding
board for your ideas and life decisions.
Free Gift
Email: jeff.ryan@misfitaid.org
Website: http://www.teachinspireempower.org/
Facebook: Misfit Aid Australia
Twitter: @MisfitAid
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