976. A Day in the Life: What's It Really Like to Be a Marketing Expert?
Jamie Turner

“Two comments my father made to me when I was in middle school had a powerful and lasting impact on my life. He served in World War II in the United States Navy as an enlisted man. One day he said: ‘When I looked up at the Captain of the ship there in the crow’s nest, I’d ask myself, what would I be doing if I were running this ship?’ That comment opened my young mind to the notion that at whatever level in an organization you are, you have the opportunity to always be thinking at a higher level, to imagine what you would do in that role, not merely what your current tasks at hand required of you. The second comment happened when I was creating a poster for a friend of mine who was running for student body president. Dad saw me working diligently on this poster for my friend and he asked me why wasn’t I creating a poster for myself and why wasn’t I running for student body president? I had always been struggling in school with ADHD, had a hard time concentrating and studying, but when he made those two comments, a light bulb went off in my head, the seeds of ambition were ignited and I said to myself–OK, I’m going to give this a shot, I’m going to always do my very best at whatever I set out to do and never sell myself short.”
Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized author, university professor, and management consultant who speaks about leadership, persuasion, and marketing at events and conferences around the globe. You may have seen Jamie in Inc., Entrepreneur, Business Insider, or Forbes. He’s also a regular guest on CNN and HLN, where he delivers segments on marketing, persuasion, and leadership. Jamie is the co-author of several essential business books, including How to Make Money with Social Media, Go Mobile, and An Audience of One (to be published by McGraw-Hill in September of 2021). Jamie’s YouTube channel was designated one of the “Top 10 Business YouTube Channels” in the nation by Wishpond.com.
On His Bookshelf
How to Make Money with Social Media: An Insider’s Guide to Using New and Emerging Media to Grow Your Business (2nd Edition), by Jamie Turner and Reshma Shah
Go Mobile: Location-Based Marketing, Apps, Mobile Optimized Ad Campaigns, 2D Codes and Other Mobile Strategies to Grow Your Business, by Jeanne Hopkins and Jamie Turner
An Audience of One (to be published by McGraw-Hill in September of 2021)
Connecting With Jamie Turner
Website: https://JamieTurner.Live
Facebook: facebook.com/jamie.turner1
Twitter: Twitter.com/AskJamieTurner
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/askjamieturner/
Instagram: instagram.com/askjamieturner/
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