13. Use of Master-Protégé Model at All Ages and Life Stages
James Moore

Oil painter James Moore has valued master-protégé relationships throughout his life. Transitioning from an early analytical career to his current creative life. He captures beauty with a brushstroke, like a musical note, using paint as his music. The viewer’s own responses complete his paintings, engaging the viewer as a participant.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
After years of enjoyment, the business world stopped being fun. The paradigm shifted from increasing quality to producing the cheapest product. Feeling unchallenged to improve, James applied his motto: Move away from things you don’t like, go toward what you do.” He found a master and plunged into his art.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Deciding to find and study with “rock stars” in the art world—foregoing art school—James re-discovered the power of the ages-old master-protégé relationship. “I could afford to study with an Elvis rather than sit in a classroom. It was essential to overcome feelings of intimidation and fear.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“When you’re in the darkness of fear, you cannot do something really good and perfect. Although you may have the natural ability to think, say and do great things, if you’re operating from a position of fear, you won’t, you can’t. You have no freedom to do what’s right.”
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James Moore Impressionist Oil Painter
James Moore Artist
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