572. Expert Interview: Build a Meaningful Life from the Inside Out
Ilan Ferdman

Ilan Ferdman is the co-founder of Satori Prime. He is a life coach, entrepreneur and motivational speaker who is fiercely dedicated to your success. He is helping thousands of people all over the world to connect with their inner passion and transform their lives. His training shows how you can have it all—the ideal job, relationship, and abundant bank account. Your greatest life is just on the other side of your greatest fear. He shows you how to reprogram your brain’s fear response to see the challenges as growth experiences.
Building a Meaningful Life from the Inside Out
“As human beings, we have been programmed how to think about what a meaningful life is. The people I work with have followed that programmed path for some time and have gotten to that place where other people had told them, ‘When you get this, when you have the six-figure job, or sell your business, etc., you’ll be fulfilled and have an incredible life.’ They get to the ‘mountaintop’ and feel empty. In fact, in trying to fill that void, they have often sacrificed their relationships and their health. They have not seen their kids in a decade and have no relationship with them. They thought that somehow when they reached this level, it would all work out. It does not. At that point, people start the journey inward because they realize there is no amount of money or success that is ever going to fill the void or live up to whatever internal conversation they have had about themselves.”
Why Is This Important?
“The stories we tell ourselves, about our lives and our relationships, create very distinct realities. We lose sight of the fact that these are just stories. True, they are often based on a real, but very limited experience. Yet we continue to build on the story long after it ceases to reflect our reality. When we drop our stories about our key relationships, we open a space that allows people to be who they really are. Your experience of that person will be vastly different from what it has been. Something miraculous will show up in that interaction because you have created a space for it that was not there just a second before.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“When you are doing things that are true to you, without needing to find acceptance, love or anything else that must come from anyone other than you, it just feels right for you. If it is true to you—to your deepest desires and who you truly are as a human being—you do not need any external factors to tell you something is right or wrong, bad or good. Your heart is your truest guidance system.”
Connecting With Ilan Ferdman
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Careers: Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker
Topics: Authenticity, Facing Fear, Finding Your Passion