230. Expert Interview: How Detoxification Will Save Your Life
Hilde Larsen

At age 38, Hilde Larsen’s health began a sharp descent. Diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis and Lyme Disease, her symptoms were many and lingered for years. Finally taking her health into her own hands, she stopped taking all her meds and started searching, studying and reading everything she could find.
Hilde Larsen is a certified health and wellness coach and detox specialist with a burning passion for life and the power we all hold within. After years of suffering, she is now helping others find their true health and passion, to go from surviving to thriving. Her strength is that she has firsthand experience. She’s currently writing a series of five books, which include her own journey to inspired detoxification, nature’s ability to heal, and raw food living.
How Detoxification Will Save Your Life
“Detoxification is very much my passion, because it saved my life, literally. Detoxification just means cleansing, which is something that the body is doing all the time, around the clock. It could not NOT do that. It’s a normal process that we have just hyped up and made popular because we’re so toxic today that we’ve made it into a business. As I have studied this and worked with people, I’ve seen that the simplicity of our bodies is amazing.”
Why Is This Important?
“We are designed to eat natural, God-given, living, ripe fruits and vegetables. We’re primates. This is our fuel. We’ve strayed so far from our natural balance and this is where the trouble started. What is making us unclean or clogged up or intoxicated is that we lose our ability to eliminate, to clean out. We’re just packing toxins on top of toxins. In a detoxification program we eliminate the foods that are causing the problems and allow our natural balance to return.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Detoxification begins by removing the foods from our diet that are adding toxins and preventing us from releasing the build-up of toxins. We return to eating healthy, whole foods—eating raw foods as much as possible—our body will heal itself. These foods will not clog us up, will not put us into any deficiencies, or create a toxic environment, and won’t leave traces of toxins that need to be processed and eliminated.”
Connecting With Hilde Larsen
Email: hilde@inspiredbyhilde.com
Website: InspiredByHilda.com
Facebook: facebook.com/inspiredbyhilde
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Free ebook “Blessed by Essential Oils: Simple Guidelines and Uses of Essential Oils,” by Hilde Larsen.
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