740. Expert Interview: Five Ways to Find Clarity, Confidence and Satisfaction in Your Career
Eric B. Horn

“On November 24, 2008, the Monday before Thanksgiving, I got let go. Initially I thought it was a curse, but it was a blessing because during that time I looked at the overall reason I got downsized….not just to reflect and say it wasn’t ‘quote’ my fault ‘unquote,’ and I can pick myself back up. I gained a lot more clarity, not only of what I was doing in my career but what I wanted to do in the future.”
Eric B. Horn is the Founder of Eric B. Horn Career & Business Solutions, LLC, which is a career and business development firm that provides coaching, consulting, and training for ambitious professionals to equip them with marketplace savvy to accomplish their goals and dreams. He is a four-time author, speaker, trainer, and business strategist with a unique passion for helping entrepreneurs create a signature product or experience to gain more visibility, influence, and income for their business.
Five Ways to Find Clarity, Confidence and Satisfaction in Your Career
There is a time in everyone’s career, maybe several times, when you want to get to the next level, you want to change jobs, you may question whether you should stay on the same career path or not, or even just want to be able to say you get something in return for your work besides a paycheck. Eric Horn shares with Don Hutcheson his initial principles in ways to find clarity, confidence and satisfaction in your career.
Why Is This Important?
“At a particular point this is something that everyone–whether you are an entry level professional, in your mid-career or even an executive–can relate to because there is always some sort of additional clarity you need to get to your next level or just to say ‘I enjoy my career.’”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“In my experience these are the five ways to find clarity, confidence and satisfaction in your career.”
1. Peel back the layers:
What was the core event or events that started you to drift in your career? A job loss, being overlooked for a promotion?
2. Identify your core principles:
The things that are important to you will be your drivers throughout your career.
3. What are the building blocks to your success?
Refining certain skills or relationships are often key.
4. Identify new habits, behaviors and disciplines:
What are the key things that will help push you to clarity?
5. Execute your new normal:
You have to be comfortable being uncomfortable before you can get to the next level of your life and career.
Books on The Topic
Connecting With Eric B. Horn
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Careers: Author, Business Owner, Speaker, Strategist, Trainer
Topics: Career Development, Self-confidence