1036. A Day in the Life: What's It Really Like to Be a Real Estate Entrepreneur?
Edna Keep
“My absolute favorite class was creative financing and that’s where I learned about buying real estate with other people’s money that people would invest with you. It turned out to be a really good fit with my background as a financial advisor, and so I transitioned over the next few years into advising people on real estate investments instead of mutual funds. And then it transferred over into coaching people through the whole purchase cycle. We mostly buy for the long-term and hold. My all-time favorite part of the real estate business was that the tenants pay off our mortgage.”
Edna Keep is a real estate entrepreneur and real estate investment advisor, coach and trainer. With $60 million in real estate assets built since 2007, primarily with “Other People’s Money,” she feels like she is exactly where she is meant to be: coaching and training people in all the skills that she has acquired throughout her life.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
I was a successful certified financial planner and advisor in the mutual funds industry for 15 years, when in 2007 I was introduced to the real estate market by way of the Robert Kiyosaki course on real estate investing. It was an extensive course: every quarter we’d spend long weekends in several different cities throughout Canada and the U.S., and I just loved it. My absolute favorite class was creative financing and that’s where I learned about buying real estate with other people’s money that people would invest with you. It turned out to be a really good fit with my background as a financial advisor, and so I transitioned over the next few years into advising people on real estate investments instead of mutual funds. And then it transferred over into coaching people through the whole purchase cycle. So we have sold very little real estate. We mostly buy for the long-term and hold. My all-time favorite part of the real estate business was that the tenants pay off our mortgage. And when I really wrapped my head around that idea, I couldn’t sell mutual funds anymore.
Connecting With Edna Keep
Email: edna@ednakeep.com
Website: www.ednakeep.com
Twitter: @ednakeep
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ednakeep
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ednakeep
Free Gift
Edna offers some free training, videos, a webinar, and articles on how to become a real estate entrepreneur on her website at: https://ednakeep.com/free-training-resources/
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