90. Expert Interview: Start Early to Help Children Visualize Their Future
Dr. Nicoline Ambe

Dr. Nicoline Ambe has taught in elementary schools and universities across the U.S. for almost two decades. Founder of Nicoline Ambe International, an educational training and consulting company, she is a bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur, teaching parents effective strategies to help their children excel in school and prepare for a successful future.
How to Help Your Child Begin Thinking About Their Future Career Possibilities
Going out on her own, she discovered how hard it was to attract business. To deal with that frustration, she introduced herself to the web, social media, and then in 2005, blogging. “Now, everything I do is sourced in social media and networking on the internet, and my business is international.”
Why Is This Important?
“Many children don’t have a sense of direction when they arrive at school. Parents play a vital role in positioning their children in school to begin to think about their futures, about the WHY behind going to school: to fulfill a larger purpose for their lives as they become adults.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Start early to give your children the WHY behind going to school. Talk to them consistently about how they can use their talents, their smarts, the unique gifts they have to create something wonderful for their life in the future. Consistently talk with them about their passion, purpose and meaning.”
On Her Bookshelf
Top Tools on Her Browser
CACareerZone.org – (California Career Zone) lists a wide range of careers that parents can browse with their children on the computer. It has high paying careers, medium paying careers, and all kinds of careers. Categorized and easy to search.
Connecting With Dr. Nicoline Ambe
Website: www.nicolineambe.com
Twitter: NicolineAmbe
Facebook: ambenico
LinkedIn: NicolineAmbe
Free Gift
Dr. Ambe’s Audio Book (use code word: Audio) – Above & Beyond: How To Help Your Child Get Good Grades In School and Position Them For Success In College, Career And Life.
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