350. Expert Interview: Demolish Fear, Overcome Anxiety and Create the Life You Want, with Dr. Mitchell Mays
Dr. Mitchell Mays
Dr. Mitchell Mays is the best-selling author of Mind Gate: Demolish Fear, Overcome Anxiety and Create the Life You Want. He’s been a licensed chiropractor since 1978 and is a certified master hypnotist and hypnotherapist, employing functional medicine, biofeedback, nutrition, guided imagery and hypnosis for chronic anxiety, stress and pain. He and his wife Terri, also a hypnotherapist and mind-body practitioner, maintain a busy practice in Northern California. Together, they conduct workshops and intensive Awake Empowered transformational retreats.
Demolish Fear, Overcome Anxiety and Create the Life You Want
Dr. Mays describes how to remove fear and anxiety so you can make the best decisions and get on with the rest of your life. It is possible—and crucial—that we learn how to be fully present, and teach our brain how to escape fear. “Changes are happening so fast in our society, that we’ve developed a condition called information overload, which is going on constantly. As early as 1970, futurist Alvin Toffler described in his bestselling book, Future Shock, how this was becoming all-pervasive. Entire societies, he said, are going into fight or flight mode. He called this phenomenon a trance, a form of waking, walking hypnosis. At its core, this is a fear response.”
Why Is This Important?
“Most of our fears and phobias actually originate from our subconscious mind, what we call the conditioned subconscious mind, or the programmed subconscious mind. Those programs get put into our subconscious mind from age zero to eight years old, and they really do act like programs. To understand that is tremendously relieving to people, to understand that they can have some control over their fear if they understand what’s creating it and where it comes from.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“We have to ‘get present with’ what actually is happening instead of what may happen. Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear we experience as humans. Our brain escapes into fear when it becomes overloaded. This undermines our health, our happiness and our ability to lead a fulfilled life. As a result, we often navigate in a state that doesn’t allow us to think clearly. It’s crucial that we learn ways of detaching from our ‘monkey mind’ and its constant chatter, and to recognize we are not our thoughts. We are pure consciousness. We can learn how to step back and observe our thought stream and stop being driven by the fight or flight response it induces in us.”
Connecting With Dr. Mitchell Mays
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