468. A Psychic Gift to Help Other Women
Diana Dorell

Sometimes while growing up, Diana would blurt out a premonition or vision when she was with friends. They looked at her as if she had three heads. She soon learned to keep her premonitions to herself and finally came to understand that she had to start listening to herself and not worry what others thought.
Diana Dorell is third-generation medicine woman, healer and coach who helps her clients release negative self-talk, trust their intuition and find love and confidence again, starting within themselves. She is the co-author of “The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again” on Amazon.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“My grandmother definitely was one of the most influential people in my life. Growing up, at times I was terrified of her, because she was very psychic—clairvoyant—and would have dreams that would come true! I remember being wrapped up into the world of imagination—that I was already doing, in my own room, with my own imaginary friends—but it was great to have my grandmother validate that. I remember worrying about it until she told me, ‘Well, you have a gift too. You just haven’t discovered it yet.’ I believe some of my healing gifts and psychic ability came from her. Our background as a family? I’m Colombian and Venezuelan. And on the Colombian side, we have a lot of tribal energy from the Chibcha Indians of Colombia.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Between the age of 14 and 16, under the tutelage of a very demanding dance teacher, Diana developed an eating disorder. She had been learning ballet since age three or four—it was a constant in her life. “Anorexia was all around the world of dance, and I was always thinking I needed to be skinnier, to look a certain way.” After starving herself for days, she gave in and ate five waffles. “I blacked out on the kitchen floor and I remember feeling this energy—a presence—that I had shut down from my childhood. A voice that said, “You’re killing yourself. If you keep going down this path, you’re never going to dance the way you were meant to dance. You need to make a choice right now: do you want to live, or do you want to die?”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“When we start taking on the beliefs and expectations of society or our parents or the media, we start to feel at the mercy of those things. There definitely are moments in our lives where we stop listening to ourselves. That’s how you lose yourself. But you can get yourself back. You can remember the things that bring you joy, and notice when things lift your energy up, rather than depress you or bring you down, or it feels heavy in your body.”
Steps to Success from Diana Dorell
1.When you listen for your inner voice, make sure it’s your own voice you are listening to, not the voice of someone else in your life.
2. Learn to pay attention to your body’s inner wisdom, and follow it.
3. There is great power in intentionally being present for people and really listening to them and appreciating them. It benefits the listener as well as the speaker.
4.When you have a focus and a passion, synchronicity will come into play.
On Her Bookshelf
The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms, by Danielle LaPorte
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny, by Robin Sharma
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
Connecting With Diana Dorell
Website: www.dianadorell.com
Your Twitter: dancinggoddess
Facebook: facebook.com/dianadorell
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dianadorell
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