321. A Swift Kick From a Friend Changed Her Life’s Direction
Debby Stone

She loved working alongside brilliant consultants from top-notch schools, but poring over numbers was just not her thing. Crafting legal documents, dotting I’s and crossing T’s wasn’t doing it for her either. But it wasn’t until a friend said, “Get off your you-know-what and DO it!” that, within one week, she started training for her new career.
Debby Stone is an executive coach and keynote speaker. She’s the author of “The Art of Self-Promotion: Tell Your Story, Transform Your Career,” and the founder of Novateur Partners, an executive coaching company serving lawyers, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and the organizations in which they work. Prior to 2002, Debby practiced law for 16 years and worked at Bain & Company. Debby holds undergraduate and law degrees from Duke University.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
After a two-year stint at top-ranked Bain and Company, law school and a career with a big law firm, Debby says she became “an accidental entrepreneur.” It began with her solo law practice, where she loved the autonomy and flexibility of running her own show, but she began to feel something was missing. “In my head, I had a direct connection and I knew I was helping, but I didn’t feel that heart connection that I was really craving. That’s what precipitated my move from law into coaching. I really wanted to know—in both my head and in my heart—that the work I was doing was making a difference.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I had met some coaches when I was networking to build my law practice, and I was struck by the fact that it sounded like they were doing all the things that I enjoyed doing and none of the things that I didn’t enjoy doing. I spent time one-on-one with several coaches asking them what the practice really was like, what they actually did, and then began to research programs to get trained and certified. The story is great because I cogitated on it, so to speak, for quite a while. I remember one of my friends at the time finally looked at me and said, “Just get off your you-know-what and DO this!”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“I’m a big believer in being able to honor my values, those things that define you at the core. You suffer when they are being compromised. If you really want to live a successful life—and I’ll use air quotes around successful—what I really mean is that you can answer yes to questions like: Does it feel good? Do you feel fulfilled? Are you feeling balanced? Do you feel that you’re making a contribution and living on purpose? Today, I am healthier. I have so many moments of enjoyment, and the side benefit is I’ve met some amazing people through networking and even through my client base. Some of my very best friends now are former clients of mine.”
Steps to Success from Debby Stone
1. Look deeply at who you really are. “Excavate your core values, natural talents, those things that motivate and define you.
2. Define what you want your life to look like, what you want your relationships to look like.
3. Don’t be afraid to define—and follow—your own path.
On Her Bookshelf
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal, by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way, by Rick Carson
Connecting With Debby Stone
E-mail: DStone@novateurpartners.com
Website: novateurpartners.com
Twitter: @NovateurCoach
Facebook: facebook.com/NovateurPartners/
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/debbystonenovateur
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Free sample chapter of Debby’s book – The Art of Self-Promotion – artofselfpromotionbook.com
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