70. Expert Interview: Emotional Intelligence—The Secret Sauce to Your Success
Dawn Cook

Dawn Cook polishes leaders until they shine. With 25 years of demonstrated excellence in leadership development, she now has four certifications in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and 10 years as a certified coach. She has worked with executives and teams at Cox Communications, Fox Sports, Towers Watson, Emory Health Care and Southern Company in both personal and professional skills development.
Emotional Intelligence–The Secret Sauce to Your Success
“Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability and the choice to be smart with your emotions, and it really is a choice. Research, which has been replicated many times, has proven that EQ is two to three times as important to your success in business as both IQ and technical skills combined.”
Why Is This Important?
“A certain level of intellect and technical savvy are indispensable just to be considered for a job. But what will make you stand out from the others is not those two things. It will be how you interact with others and manage yourself. That basically is your emotional intelligence (EQ).”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
EQ enables you to rise above the flight-or-fight syndrome and avoid being hi-jacked emotionally before you are even aware you are not acting rationally or in your best interests. EQ consists of four elements: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship awareness. With coaching, these skills can be learned and practiced.
On Her Bookshelf
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Dawn Cook’s EQ Mobile Coach App, a great way to have an EQ Coach 24/7 as you face day-to-day emotional challenges, at www.EQmobilecoach.com
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