Expert Interview: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life
Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne has overcome crippling anxiety using his 5 Pillars of Transformation, which you can use to lose weight, get a raise, make more money, and overcome any obstacle in your way of success. He is the author of “The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life.” Craig is also the co-owner of, the creator of the home workout system, Turbulence Training, and a contributor to Men’s Health magazine.
The Perfect Day Formula - How to Own the Day and Control Your Life
A guiding principle of Craig’s teaching is helping people learn how to get more done, make more money, and still get home on time for dinner. He offers five templates for creating rules of life. These can be personalized by each individual. They act like the operating system for life. His formula for a perfect day is built on these five personalized rules, on a foundation of Five Pillars of Success. “You can change your life in many ways when you have these pillars in place.”
Why Is This Important?
“People may bristle at the idea of having more rules, but I guarantee you if you have more structure in your life you’re going to have more success. When you think about it, we all follow rules of the road every day—we stop at red lights and stop signs—because having that structure gives us freedom to get where we want, safely and effectively. What most people don’t like is rules imposed on them by others. When we impose our own rules on ourselves, we become more successful.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
Craig developed his Five Pillars of Success from his experiences with clients in his weight-loss transformation program. “In the competitions we conducted, I realized that all the winners had five pillars of success in place. The people who dropped out after two weeks were missing them. These pillars work for almost anything in life,” he asserts. They are:
1) Better planning and preparation
2) Professional accountability
3) Positive social support
4) A meaningful incentive
5) A “Big Deadline”
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Careers: Author, Business Owner, Health and Fitness, Men's Health
Topics: Success, Work/Life Balance