674. Expert Interview: The Top 10 Practices of the World's Best
Cindra Kamphoff, PhD

Cindra Kamphoff, PhD, is a certified mental performance consultant, keynote speaker and author who works with professional athletes, executives and championship teams around the United States. She is the author of “Beyond Grit: 10 Powerful Practices to Gain the High-Performance Edge.” Her clients range from Verizon Wireless and Mayo Clinic Health Systems to the Minnesota Vikings. Her work has been featured in Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, USA Today and Runner’s World. In her spare time, she runs and trains for marathons. She has run 15 of them, including the Boston Marathon five times. in 2012, she won the Omaha Marathon.
The Top 10 Practices of the World's Best
Those who are familiar with positive psychology know about the concept of “grit.” It is about how, in the face of adversity and setbacks, you go after your goals with a deep commitment, so you can stick with them. That is the first quality to develop as we begin thinking about where we are going and why we are going there. The way the world’s best develop grit and go far beyond is by daily, intentional focus and practice.
Why Is This Important?
The world’s best have cultivated grit and are continuously thinking about where they are going and why they are going after it. They know what their purpose is and understand their multiple WHYs for their various goals. People who are gritty tend to stick with things longer. They are more likely to graduate, more likely to complete projects and excel in their chosen path.
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“I have found that the top performers know exactly why they do what they do, and are very specific about it. Instead of making a general statement such as, ‘I want to make the world a better place,’ they would ask, ‘What is it about the world that I want to impact, and how do I want to impact it?’ They follow basic principles by making them a daily practice. They are clear about what they can control, and do not waste time or energy on the things they cannot.
Connecting With Cindra Kamphoff, PhD
Websites: www.cindrakamphoff.com and www.drcindra.com and
Twitter: twitter.com/Mentally_Strong
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cindra-kamphoff/
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Careers: Author, Consultant, Speaker
Topics: Grit