179. Music Teacher Composes Anti-Bullying Program
Bruce Langford

Bruce Langford has been an entrepreneur and musician all his adult life. He quit his day job in 2005 to become focused full time on the prevention of bullying. Working as a presenter and program creator in the bullying field, led Bruce to become a mindfulness coach and teacher. He believes when we focus on respect, bullying will decline. Bruce also hosts the Mindfulness Mode Podcast, where he shares the concept of mindfulness with the mainstream world.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
When I was 16, I read that a local church was looking for a music director. I thought, ‘Well I don’t know about being a music director, but I could see if I could fill the bill because I love playing music.’ I talked to them and they said, ‘We’ve got a lot of music that the choir likes to sing, and if you can play music for the church—great!’ They hired me. At 16 years old, I was a music director in a church. And it was a great opportunity for me to use my talents. And I could connect with myself through the music.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I found out that one of my 7th grade music students was being bullied every day at school. I did a lot of research and learned as much as I could, to help him cope. And then I said to him, ‘You know, I think I could help a lot more students than just you if I had programs and presentations that I could present in the school. Based on your story.’ After a few days of reflection, he bravely agreed to work with me. We created a program that I’ve presented hundreds of times now. It’s incredible to be able to help people on that level.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“It all started to come together for me that the happiest people in life are focused on the now. I could see that children who were taught about mindfulness became relaxed and they lost a lot of the anxiety and stress that they had had. And then bullying declined. Then I was given an opportunity to go into a school for two months and really spend the time with the students where I could do mindfulness kinds of exercises. I found that it absolutely worked. It was incredible.”
Steps to Success from Bruce Langford
1. Nobody knows you like you do. Think for yourself
2. Pay attention to what excites and engages you
3. Don’t be afraid to act
4. Stay present
On His Bookshelf
Stop Chasing Influencers, by Kimanzi Constable and Jared Easley
Cracking the Success Code: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Their Top Secrets to Help You Crack the Code for Optimum Health, Wealth and Success, by Brian Tracy. Bruce Allan Langford and the world’s leading experts
Email: bruce@mindfulnessmode.com
Website: http://mindfulnessmode.com
Twitter: @brucelangford
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mindfulnessmode
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/langfordbruce
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