233. Helping Female Indie Musicians Turn Their Passion into a Business
Bree Noble

As a little girl and a budding musician she used to sing along to the radio. Now she has her own online radio show and podcasts, helping women in Indie music find an audience and practice their art as a viable business. Striking that balance between music and marketing, and teaching it to entrepreneurial women of substance is her fulltime passion.
Bree Noble knows her way around both spreadsheets and sheet music. She founded Women of Substance Radio & Podcast to promote quality female artists in all genres. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians through her “Female Musician Academy”. On her weekly podcast, Female Entrepreneur Musician, she interviews successful female Indie artists and industry pros that are both inspirational and informational.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I’ve always been a musician. I think I’ve always loved music. I started singing when I was little-little, singing along with the radio. And I wasn’t afraid to sing in public, which to me seemed totally normal. I would even sing in the store! I started singing solos and stuff in church musicals when I was in about third grade.” She stayed active throughout her school and college years, singing in whatever groups and ensembles were available, including a female barber shop quarter.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“I really wanted to do music, but I didn’t have any clue how that was going to happen. I have this practical streak, so I decided in my sophomore year of college to get a double degree in business and music.” Early in her married life, living in an unfamiliar location, she realized, “Doing music was going to be really difficult, so I got a job in business. After about three years working as an accountant at a company, I was getting restless. So I looked in the newspaper and I found a job at the local opera company.” It was in the depths of the recent recession, so there were hundreds of applicants for the job. She got it. “Having a double-degree in business and music, and being able to talk music—even classical music—really helped.”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“In order to do something great, or to do something that’s really putting your talents out there, you’re going to feel uncomfortable, you’re going to feel fear and out of your element. For a lot of people, the desire is not enough to push them over that threshold of fear and discomfort… You have to put yourself out there as an actual product to have a career in (what you love).”
Steps to Success from Bree Noble
1. “Just start. Don’t wait for anyone to ride in on a white horse and rescue you. Make it happen for yourself, or it’s not going to happen.”
2. If at times you can’t be out there doing exactly what you love, use your gifts to help other people do it.
3. Find other people to support you in your passion.
On Her Bookshelf
Writing Better Lyrics, by Pat Pattison
All You Need to Know About the Music Business, by Donald Passman
Connecting With Bree Noble
Email: noblebree@gmail.com
Website: wosradio.com FEMusician.com
Twitter: @breenoble @wosradio
Facebook: facebook.com/wosradio
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/breenoble
Free Gift
“19 Sources of Income you probably haven’t considered for your music business” PDF from Bree Noble, located at www.femusician.com/income.
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