315. Expert Interview: The Method for Healing Your Emotions, Relationships and Your Life
Bob Lancer

Bob Lancer has been on the path of his talents for all of his adult life. He made the decision in his 20s that he was going to rely on his gifts, talents and inspiration to make his living and live life to the fullest. He has kept that commitment for four decades. Through thick and thin, Bob has persevered in connecting with and sharing the inspiration that lights up his life with businesses, schools and individuals worldwide.
The Method for Healing Your Emotions, Relationships and Your Life
“What we experience every day is not our lives but our attitude toward our lives. I practiced mindfulness for four decades, and through that practice, I recognized that people are not really experiencing their lives. They’re experiencing their attitudes. I understood the value and power of living in a positive attitude, but never had the H-O-W. It’s great to have a positive attitude, but what we really need is a method for healing our emotions, relationships and lives.”
Why Is This Important?
“By persevering through the darkness, I found what I call ‘The Method.’ It is a simple method that I guide people through. In 10 minutes, it takes an individual from unhappiness to happiness, from depression, anxiety and frustration into inner peace, faith and joy, and from resentment into love. It provides an experience of healed emotions within 10 minutes. As a person lives in those harmonious feeling states more and more consistently, life, business and relationships just automatically line up with that, and life and self become a harmonious fit. It is a method for making the changes in your life that you really want to make.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
“Whenever you’re experiencing any kind of unhappiness, frustration or insecurity, it has nothing to do with your situation. It is a programmed emotional belief system that’s being triggered in you. The reality is that everything is actually perfect, and that your life is all lined up. The Universe is really an aligned system that is always working things out for you, in line with your expanding fulfillment. Nothing is ever going wrong, and you are always in a state of total love, fulfillment and joy. That’s your natural state. But we get these programmed emotional states, based on beliefs about our circumstances. Those beliefs come from our early childhood experiences.”
Connecting With Bob Lancer
Email: bob@boblancer.com
Websites: www.LoveTheMethod.com www.greatteambuildingspeaker.com or www.boblancer.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/boblancer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blancer
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