140. Expert Interview: Conquer Stage Fright, Build Your Confidence
Bill Lampton, Ph.D.
Bill Lampton, Ph.D., helps leaders speak confidently, clearly and convincingly. His interview coaching enables applicants to excel in job searches. Founder of Championship Communication, Bill’s clients include major corporations and entrepreneurs. He taught at the University of Georgia, then served as vice president of three colleges and a medical center. He has hosted many radio talk shows.
Getting Ahead by Conquering Fear of Public Speaking
Why Is This Important?
Fear of public speaking holds many talented people back. “I was in management for 22 years and saw many people in management who would not seek higher levels because they knew they would have more speaking responsibilities. My experience and education convince me coaching can help instill skills and confidence.”
What Are the Key Lessons Learned Here?
One-on-one support and attention—coaching—can help motivated individuals conquer fears and improve communication skills. “I’ve seen this is true whether they’re at Gillette, Procter and Gamble, Duracell, or at an entrepreneurial start-up or civic group. The people who are succeeding are the ones who have discovered the mentors, teachers and support they need.”
Connecting With Bill Lampton, Ph.D.
Email: drbill@championshipcommunication.com
Phone: 678-316-4300
Website: championshipcommunication.com
Twitter: @doclampton
Facebook: facebook.com/doclampton
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/billlampton
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