Encore: From College to India, a Mindful Path to Law
Arnie Herz

Arnie knew he was heading to law school, but he took an indirect path that surprised everyone. A brush with his own mortality in college turned his life upside down and sent him on a global search for meaning that changed everything.
Arnie Herz is a lawyer, mediator and speaker. He has delivered over 100 programs and keynotes on topics related to the attorney-client relationship, negotiation, conflict resolution and work-life balance. His work has been covered in numerous publications and he has received a host of acknowledgements and awards from his colleagues.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“After graduating from college, I did something that made no sense to anyone I knew, something totally contrary to convention at the time. I bought a backpack and a one-way ticket to London. For much of the next four years I traveled around the world. I got involved in yoga and meditation, and made my way to India, where I eventually spent two-and-a-half years.” The experience dramatically affected his response to the intensity of law school.
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“Playing in an intramural basketball game during my junior year as an undergrad, I had congestive heart failure. Through sports I found tremendous solace and energy. I had channeled my restlessness for seeing the world through sports. In the hospital, they told me I would not be able to play competitive sports anymore. That turned my life upside down. It made me realize how precious life is, how at any moment everything can change. In that moment, I realized I needed to live my life for myself and not just go through the motions to please my parents, my friends or society. I had an obligation to go search for what I needed to find.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
“For most people, their mind runs their lives. In meditation, you are able to have some control over your mind. When I went through law school I was four years older than most of the other students. With my experience with meditation and yoga, and my world experience, I felt virtually no anxiety. I could see everyone else was so anxious and worried about the tests, studying like crazy. I studied hard—I’ve always worked hard—but there was a certain perspective and calmness that I had, and I could see the benefits.”
Steps to Success from Arnie Herz
1. Be honest with yourself.
2. Start asking some bigger questions: Why am I here on this planet? What impact do I want to make? What is my purpose? What legacy do I want to leave?
3. As you begin your self-examination, start journaling, or working with a therapist or a friend.
4. Notice how you spend your time. Are you spending too much time on social media or watching TV?
5. Develop a daily practice of meditation, even if you only start with five minutes.
On His Bookshelf
The Alchemist, by Paolo Coelho
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values, by Robert M. Pirsig
The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield
Connecting With Arnie Herz
Website: http://arnieherz.com
Email: Arnie@arnieherz.com
Facebook: facebook.com/arnieherz
Twitter: twitter.com/arnieherz
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/arnieherz/
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Careers: Business Lawyer, Mediator, Speaker
Topics: Instincts, Mindfulness, Travel