580. From Criminal Mind to Consciousness Champion
Antar the Navigator

Antar was convicted at age 20 for bank robbery and sent to federal prison. Although he continued to think with “a criminal mind,” he did accept a book from a prison counselor. “I was totally transformed in one night. I can’t remember his name, but that counselor was an angel in my life!”
Antar Jannah, also known as Antar the Navigator, is a #1 International Best Selling Author, success trainer, entrepreneur, life coach, mentor and founder of Stay In The Miracle Institute. Before that, he had troubles that landed him in prison and was addicted to drugs and alcohol. Against the odds, he turned his life around in prison. He went from being socially illiterate to a published author. Over the last 35 years he has travelled all over the United States, enlightening and uplifting his audiences with his insightful message and formula for not just material success, but success in every aspect of life.
How Did You Start Using Your Talents?
“I always had a gift: an ability to meet people. Anybody I wanted to meet, I could actually meet them. I would try to help them reach their desired goals.” Unfortunately, his gift took a dark turn. “I met a prominent criminal, a heroin dealer, and joined his family. I mean, literally, he had daughters and sons working with him, and I was friends with them. I thought that was the way I was going to be successful in life. He was like a mentor and another father figure for me. I ended up in a really dark place, and in prison.”
The Most Impactful Turning Point?
Convicted at age 20, a federal prisoner in Lompoc, California, Antar says his “criminal mind” continued for a year and a half or two years. “Then, a counselor gave me a book called, ‘As A Man Thinketh,’ by James Allen, and asked me to read it. Luckily, I was literate, so I could read. I devoured it and it blew my mind! I was totally transformed in one night. I’d never read anything like it before. It was small, so I copied the whole book in long hand in a tablet, because I wanted to keep it. When I gave the book back, he gave me ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ by Napoleon Hill, and said, now read this one, and I did. I can’t remember this man’s name, his face, or anything else, but he was like an angel in my life. He opened up a whole new world for me!”
The Most Powerful Lessons Learned?
“It’s all about understanding Consciousness. Consciousness is a by-product of being alive. Your eyes are blinking, your lungs are working, your heart is beating, and your brain is electrically animated and motivated. The switch is already on! You’re aware. You can realize that there’s something more than your lower consciousness—there is a Higher Consciousness. When you tap into that, you can realize there are other dimensions that you have access to. This is for everybody. I’m not talking about a special group of people, I’m talking about everybody!”
On His Bookshelf
As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen
Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Secret of the Ages: The Master Code to Abundance and Achievement, by Robert Collier
The Master Key System: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Law of Attraction, by F. Haanel
The Secret of the Infinite Intelligence, by Antar
Dr. Shepherd’s Universe Extraterrestrials on Earth 2022 (1st of 10-part series), by Antar
Steps to Success from Antar the Navigator
1. Everybody on Earth was born to do something special. Everybody. You’ve got to find out your unique purpose and pursue it. There’s something nobody else on Earth can do but you.
2. Nobody can motivate you better than you, but first you need to get in contact with your higher consciousness.
3. There’s nothing more important than you being self-reliant, self-motivated, self-determined. Become your own coach, your own trainer.
Connecting With Antar the Navigator
Website: stayinthemiracleinstitute.com
Facebook: facebook.com/Antar-The-Navigator-409342322601093/
Twitter: twitter.com/antar_navigator
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Careers: Author, Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Success Coach
Topics: Addiction, Entrepreneurism